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Sunday, February 10, 2008


I'm playing truant on Tuesday......Gonna miss alot of things......I'll die for real........

*says prayers*

Friday, February 8, 2008

Too Challenging To Think

I went to Prangin Mall today. Looking for an iPod. Unfortunately, all the shops were still closed. I tried to finish my art, but it was a little more challenging than what I thought at first. Familiar thought? Here's what I THINK I can beat:

1. Most Ferrero Rocher chocolates eaten in 1 minute: 5
2. Most books typed backwards: 58 (approximately 3,204,764)
3. Largest tea party: consisting of 14,718 people
4. Largest guitar ensemble: consisting of 1,721 people playing simultaneously (I can change it to VIOLIN and make the numbers bigger)
5. Most people to parachute from a balloon simultaneously: 20
6. Largest collection of keychains: 41,418
8. Make the largest rocking horse ( 4.8m x 4.8m x 2.7m)

That's nice......

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I have finally completed half of my art =) Now I got to do the other half...which I hope will be more satisfying than drawing it. My theme? Abstract art with STICK people walking in and out of dimensions......Pn Lee's gonna kill me for this. Nah....she won't...she'll spare my life so that she can torture me by giving low marks. Unless she's a diehard fan of that art where stick people walked upside down, downside up, right side left and left side right, THEN she'll appreciate my masterpiece. I have a mini "Candyworld" in it too so that the stick residents there can enjoy candy and get diabetes type 3: paper diabetes. If I could choose the colour of the permanent marker I'll use, I'd choose yellow. No, I don't like yellow....I DESPISE yellow. It's just that I want to create a much fantasized Cheeseworld.

I actually have no idea why I hate yellow so much.....Yellow is the colour of happiness....I was placed in Yellow team (which did quite well overall), I like cheese, yellow signifies the Emperor.......Unfortunately, many people just hate yellow.....I know, maybe I could dedicate this post specially for the colour Yellow =) Ever wondered why most smiley faces are yellow? Unfortunately, I always wondered why the yellow team was never in the lead....for my whole SKTM life, Kenari got last. The final year, they got 3rd though....They COULD have got 1st if it weren't for Justin (Ooi) who failed to beat the school's high jump record....Merbah got first =) and Helang (always the strong team in other schools) got last (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA). But guess what? The year right after my year left the school, EVERYTHING turned upside down (yes, Merbah got last!!!). Kenari got 2nd.

This just proves that we Yellows ARE capable....except that now I don't have much hope 'cos Angeline and Ishwin said that the F1s this year run really slow (AWW GREAT!!!!).....I just hope we have enough capability to beat the Red team....

Okay, back to Cheeseworld....(thinks hard)....right, I've got nothing to say about it.....It's already too long-winded.....nevermind.....I've decided to join marching this year since it's the last year to march.....hopeless marching....I don't even support my team....therefore, I HAVE to repeat this all-too-familiar line:


There, I said it.........

Anyway......seriously, I DO wish my team god('s) luck (exaggerated version of GOOD LUCK).

Keep up the (goose) work. I'll be counting on every member (because I won't contribute).


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Great Escape

Paper bags and plastic hearts
Out belongings in shopping carts
It's goodbye
But we got one more night
Let's get drunk and ride around
And make peace with this empty town
We can make it right

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We wont hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight

Tonight will change our lives
It's so good to be by your side
We'll cry
We wont give up the fight
We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs
And they'll think its just cause were young
And we'll feel so alive

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight

All of the wasted time
The hours that were left behind me
The answers that we'll never find
They dont mean a thing tonight

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They dont know us anyway

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They dont know us anyway

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They dont know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Highlight the Words

My mother fell down today and her right foot is swollen now. We sent Silkie to my aunt's house....I wonder if they would start an Anti-Silkie campaign soon...Their scared of her...only my uncle plays with other aunt who is an animal-lover is in Canada...there's no1 to play with Silkie (poor dog)...We started our journey to Penang around 3.15pm. The road was smooth and there was nothing much along the way......except for a few distractions by FAKE policemen. Pictures of a policeman holding a camera was placed in the road divider while to scare people. But the Fake Award has to go to the manequin which managed to scare so many people it actually caused a jam. A manequin of a policeman was placed in a watch house and many people slowed down until a terrible jam was created......only after passing the watch house did we figure that the stupid man up there who was supposed to be doing an efficient job was a hopeless, lifeless manequin...About an hour before reaching Penang, we encountered a storm which caused visibility to be approximately 20m only. There were odd drivers who on their car hazard lights. I took pictures of "isolated clouds" along the way...too bad I don't have the adaptor now so no pics...Currently in Penang killing the computer =)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I have figured that making the font big causes alot of problems.


Alex came to my house today to give me my belated Christmas present. She gave me a Spongebob magnet, peppermint candy and a twin panda red thingy (which looked very Chinese-like). I gave her the silk wallet and a silk scarf I got from Shanghai. When she was about to leave, Silkie ran out of the house!!!! She ran all the way to Xinjin's house and barked at her dogs (they barked back of course). It was drizzling that time and I was holding the stuff Alex just gave me. She ran with me to get that mad dog back in the house. Luckily my newspaperman just came...Silkie recognized the guy and ran after his motorbike back to my house (very slowly). I caught her and brought her back. The candy Alex gave me was already wet by then.....
She got terrible beating after Alex left (poor dog).

Oh, I survived a jump from a 3-storey building because it didn't have a wall.....I survived because there was water down there...(exaggerating). It was actually just amateur diving....done weeks ago..but I'm still jumping from the 2nd level. The 3rd level was only attempted once. ONCE.

Going swimming again later...Beatrice and Ju Wei are already in "Bakat" level...Yung Sheen and I have yet to finish level 4 (can't blame me for my absence the whole December....Yung Sheen failed grade 3 in Dec though...lucky for me otherwise I'd be all alone now).

Saturday, February 2, 2008

12.00 am

My clock says 12.00am now.....but I know com says 11.49pm. Listening to hopeless exam pieces (the truth behind this phenomena is unknown). Apart from that, I have finally paid attention to what I previously thought was a hopeless thingy in Facebook. Now, I have an eager pet in there (which I will abandon and starve sooner or later). I got a Lecoon (what nonsense?!).
It looks like a racoon except the fact that it's virtual and that the creator of this "mythical creature" thinks it's appropriate to avoid the usage of it's real species' name. I'm not supposed to be distracted by blogs and whatever nonsense goodnight.

Friday, February 1, 2008


This is so unfair.....didn't get into debate...I squashed everything into 1 stupid sentence and then I had nothing else to say except hopeless stammering. Out of 10 "great politicians", only 4 made it...Alright, let's go backstage for a while...All 10 debaters went out of the class for the students to judge fairly (claimed). We were talking about who will get it and then a smart fellow said that it doesn't matter who gets it as long as 2 Batai wins =) We put our hands together and screamed "BATAI"....too bad the "Jatians" weren't deaf. Hui Yi, Ben Yew, Timothy, Gary Yeo and I didn't get in..Emily didn't make the cut either. She was SO disappointed she forgot to kill Ghee Kien (I think that's how it's spelled). Anyway, I'm freaked out now that Pn Chen (PL) found an unusual pleasure to call my name...I'M A TARGET FOR FAILURE!!!!!This is very VERY odd...Apart from all that, I found an unusual pleasure in playing with the fonts and colours today...HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA

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